Government-to-Government Consultation
The BLM consulted with Native governments regarding the Wind Energy Development Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
The Bureau of Land Management works on a government-to-government basis with Native American Tribes. As a part of the government's Treaty and Trust responsibilities, the government-to-government relationship was formally recognized by the federal government on November 6, 2000, with Executive Order 13175.
The BLM coordinates and consults with tribal governments, Native communities, and tribal individuals whose interests might be directly and substantially affected by activities on BLM-administered lands. BLM strives to provide the tribes sufficient opportunities for productive participation in BLM planning and resource management decision making.
BLM met with tribal government representatives throughout the preparation of the Wind Energy Development Programmatic EIS. This dialog began with the initiation of the public scoping process. Issues raised during consultation meetings were considered in the development of wind energy development policy and programs.
For More Information
For further information on government-to-government consultation for the Wind Energy Development Programmatic EIS, please contact:
Rick Stamm
Bureau of Land Management
[email protected]
Phone: (202) 452-5185