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Contact Us
Your comments, questions, and feedback about this web site and the Wind Energy Development Programmatic EIS are welcomed.
Please contact us with any questions or comments you may have about the Wind Energy Development Programmatic EIS or the Wind Energy Development Programmatic EIS web site. Your questions or comments will be forwarded to the appropriate persons to answer or provide assistance.
The purpose of this web site is to inform and involve the public in the Wind Energy Development Programmatic EIS process. We want it to meet your needs. Please feel free to make suggestions about additional features or services you would like to see on this web site, or ways you think we could improve the site. For general questions or comments about the Wind Energy Development Programmatic EIS web site or the Wind Energy Development Programmatic EIS, contact us at: [email protected].
For further information on the Wind Energy Development Programmatic EIS, you may also contact:
Rick Stamm
Bureau of Land Management
[email protected]
Phone: (202) 452-5185